Debbie Wasserman Schultz Breaks Silence On Awans: “I Did The Right Thing, And I Would Do it Again” (Audio)

A defiant Debbie Wasserman Schultz sat down with the Orlando Sentinel, telling the paper that she stands by her decision to keep Pakistani IT staffer, and personal friend, Imran Awan on her payroll six months ater he was fired by members of congress and banned from the House computer network.

“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” Wasserman Schultz said Thursday in an exclusive interview with the Sun Sentinel. “There are times when you can’t be afraid to stand alone, and you have to stand up for what’s right.”

Schultz added “It would have been easier for me to just fire him.”

And fire him she did, eventually

Imran Awan was finally fired by Wasserman-Schultz after he was arrested at Dulles airport on charges of bank fraud while actively trying to flee the country, after wiring nearly $300,000 to Pakistan. Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi fled the country in  after having been stopped at the airport in March with an undeclared $12,000 in cash, and reportedly allowed to board her flight after an order by former FBI Director James Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe.

Of course, nothing to see here… 

“Wasserman Schultz said the Awan case is getting so much attention from conservative media outlets because they’re attempting to distract people from the investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election. “Any opportunity they can to pull people’s eyes and ears away from that they take.” –Orlando Sentinel

No, sorry Debbie – your Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood-linked IT friends having access to top-secret Intel committee computers is a bit more, shall we say – tangible

Of note

The Awans were “shared employees,” hired by multiple Democrats for IT work whenever it was needed – floating all over the place doing all sorts of work on House members computers. Democrats Juaquin Castro, Cedric Richmond, Andre Carson, Jackie Speier, Tammy Duckworth, and Louis Frankel all employed the Awans.

According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Awans had access to the email of every member of the House, and SOLD INFORMATION.


After they were fired from the offices of two House Democrats, Politico reported that one of the brothers, Imran Awan, and his wife Hina Alvi, are personal friends with Debbie Wasserman Schultz – who presided over the DNC during the email hack currently blamed on the Russians.

What other interesting things do we know about the Awan case and DWS?

Reportedly stole over $100,000 in computer equipment from House members… months later, smashed computer equipment was seized by the FBI from the garage of a house the Awans owned and rented out. 

Shortly after the criminal probe was revealed in February, Imran abruptly moved out of his longtime home on Hawkshead Drive in Lorton, Va., and listed it for rent on a website that connects landlords with military families.

The new tenants were none other than a retired Marine and his active duty Navy wife. In the garage, they found “wireless routers, hard drives that look like they tried to destroy, laptops, [and] a lot of brand new expensive toner.”

Imprisoned their stepmother, spied on her with electronic devices, and denied her the right to see her dying husband – then carted her to Pakistan to collect her inheritance, which they proceeded to extort. 

THREE DAYS before U.S. Capitol Police told House members about the Awans, their stempmother called Fairfax County, Virginia police report she was imprisoned in their house – kept from her husband’s deathbed. Oh, and they were bugging her with listening devices.

A relative described the woman’s life as being completely controlled by the brothers for months while they schemed to take their father’s life insurance. –Daily Caller

After their father died, the Awans carted their stepmother to Pakistan to collect.

Sent sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood


DWS Threatened the Chief of DC Capitol Police over a laptop used by the Awans and found in a corner of the House building.

Ran a shady car dealership Called Cars International A, LLC (CIA) whose debts a Democrat Rep paid

In addition to nosing around highly sensitive data in Congress, the Awans ran a shady car dealership that wasn’t paying it’s bills. After one of their vendors threatened to sue them, Rep. Theodore Deutch started paying the guy.

Rep Theo Deutch (D-FL) paid a disgruntled vendor the Awans owed money. Weird.


The brothers had numerous additional sources of income, all of which seemed to disappear. While they were supposedly working for the House, the brothers were running a car dealership full-time that didn’t pay its vendors, and after one — Rao Abbas — threatened to sue them, he began receiving a paycheck from Rep. Theodore Deutch (D-FL), who like Wasserman Schultz represents Florida.

The #AwanBrothers owned a car dealership called “CIA” in court documents. You can’t make this stuff up.

— ZeroPointNow (@ZeroPointNow) July 26, 2017


Subscribed to pedo-centric YouTube channel featured on Tosh.0

Imran Awan(whose lawyer oddly mentioned ‘pizzagate‘ in a post-arrest statement), subscribed to YouTube channel “Seven Super Girls” – which has over 12 billion views, and features children performing in sexualized ‘bits.’

Despite all of the above, Debbie Wasserman Shultz maintains that she “did the right thing,” and would do it again – claiming any and all inquiry into her ever-so-honest Pakistani IT staff is simply a diversion from Russia.


via ZeroPointNow

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