Trump Deserves Some Credit for Stock Market Gains: New at Reason

In an era of political polarization, here’s one item that’s rapidly emerging as a rare bipartisan consensus: President Trump doesn’t deserve credit for the stock market boom since his election.

“Can we thank Trump for the stock market boom? Short answer, no,” a scholar at the center-right American Enterprise Institute, Desmond Lachman, wrote in a piece published by Newsweek.

The pollster to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and to President Obama, Joel Benenson, tweeted: “Truth about @realDonaldTrump’s ‘record’ stock mkt: he inherited from @BarackObama 2nd longest bull mkt in history.”

But as with most items on which there is rare bipartisan consensus, writes Ira Stoll, this one deserves a skeptical look.

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