Blankfein Trolls Trump, Compares Him To A Solar Eclipse

Back on June 1, in his first ever tweet (after being a silent member of Twitter since 2011), Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein slammed Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate change agreement, which he called “a setback for the environment and for the U.S.’s leadership position in the world.”

Fast forward to today when the Goldman CEO, in his capacity as the former boss of Trump’s chief economy advisor (and most likely future head of the Federal Reserve, Gary Cohn), took another veiled swipe at the Trump administration when in what appeared to be a subtweet targetting Donald Trump, said “Wish the moon wasn’t the only thing casting a shadow across the country. We got through one, we’ll get through the other. #SolarEclipse2017″

One assumes that Blankfein was addressing Trump (indirectly) as the only person left making any economic decisions, now that Steve Bannon is gone, is his former right hand man, Gary Cohn. Which begs the question: is Blankfein’s latest critique just more carefully staged theater, meant to elevate the CEO of the “vampire squid” in the eyes of the general public and shape him into a kind, caring, nurturing idealist ready to carry the ideals of progressives everywhere, or was the tweet an indication that despite the dominance of the now undisputed dominance of the “Goldman circle” inside the White House, Bannon still remains a key decision-maker, even if banished from the Oval Office.

Whatever the right answer, it should provide a welcome distraction as former Goldman COO Gary Cohn does everything in his power to sneak through a new tax code that benefits the likes of, well, Goldman Sachs.

via Tyler Durden

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