Eclipse Warning: “1000s Of People Will Damage or Entirely Lose Their Eyesight Tomorrow”

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

With a rare solar eclipse approaching and millions of people flocking to locations around the United States that are in or near the path of totality, some may not realize that the celestial event poses an extreme danger.

As noted by Karl Denninger at The Market Ticker, while the August 21st solar eclipse may be a once in a lifetime sight to see, the actual act of seeing it may cause serious damage to your eyesight:

You’ve probably seen various sites talking about safety issues.  The issues are real, and what I’m sharing with you on this post is important.  


Read it, understand it, do not believe for one second that any of this can be trifled with and if you have young people around you make damn sure they understand all of this as well.


There will be thousands of people who will either damage or entirely lose their eyesight tomorrow and there is exactly zero that a doc in the ER or anywhere else will be able to do for you if you wind up screwing yourself by being ignorant, stupid or both.


Please do not be one of the people that have that happen.


Denninger’s full warning can be found here.

Because the eyes do not have pain receptors, if you are looking at the eclipse you will not know that your eyes are literally burning.

There will be no forewarning that you are about to lose your eyesight. And there will be nothing a doctor can do to restore your vision once the damage has been done.

Sun glasses will not help.

Only a commercial grade visual-rated solar filter will safely protect the eyes and as reported earlier this week, even those have been counterfeited and sold at places like

We urge our readers to speak with friends and family about this very serious threat to your vision, especially if you have young children.



via Tyler Durden

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