Can Science Reverse Aging? [New at Reason]

“In 30 years, I will be younger than today, not older,” says José Luis Cordeiro, who’s a founding faculty member at Singularity University, a Silicon Valley-based think tank devoted to futurism. “Why? Because we are going to have rejuvenation techniques, and these experiments are beginning right now.”

A mechanical engineer with a degree from MIT, Cordeiro has worked in fields ranging from monetary policy to petroleum engineering, and he created the first formal “future studies” course at the Austrian School of Economics in Venezuela, his birth country.

Cordeiro is an extreme optimist, who says technological progress will solve most of the world’s problems. He sat down with Reason’s Nick Gillespie at the annual libertarian conference Freedom Fest in Las Vegas to discuss immortality, artificial intelligence, and the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

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