US Consumer Comfort Spikes To 16 Year Highs, But…

Great News Americans – According to Bloomberg's latest Consumer Comfort survey, you are the most 'comfortable' since 2001!

Despite slumping 'hard' economic data, soaring stocks seem to reassure 'Americans'…

  • Sentiment among those earning $100,000 or more rose to the highest since March on the heels of elevated equity markets
  • Comfort advanced in the Northeast to the highest since March 2007 and rose in the West
  • Confidence among Republicans rose to an almost 10-year high, while comfort of political independents was strongest in more than 16 years
  • Among married people, weekly sentiment reached the highest level since March 2001

That's great news right!? Well, in reality it has had ZERO impact on what really matters…

The exuberant consumers are not consuming…

Source: @lizzie363

And that means companies are not earning…

Source: @lizzie363

But hey, if it keeps the utopian dream alive, go with it.

via Tyler Durden

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