Rape Epidemic Narrative: New at Reason

The dean of students who is also the deputy Title IX coordinator at Fordham University’s Rose Hill campus found out the hard way that some students are not prepared to have their belief in the great American campus rape epidemic challenged, Liz Wolfe writes.

One RA wrote that she found 10 women crying in the bathroom after the presentation, and that “it was inappropriate to be putting advocacy for victims in the context of political debate…politics has nothing to do with it.”

RA Rowan Hornbeck, posted a scathing critique online. “Contextualizing advocacy for victims as a political agenda is backwards. By critiquing a documentary that exposed university coverups of improperly handled cases of sexual assault, Dean Rodgers is proving that he cares more about saving the reputation of the university rather than advocating for students.” But what did Rodgers do wrong by presenting two competing narratives?

RA training was cancelled for the remainder of the day, although it has since resumed. Now, the offended RAs are calling for Rodgers’ dismissal.

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