Trump: “Now Is Not The Time To Talk To North Korea”

President Trump spoke yesterday with UK Prime Minister Theresa Theresa May about North Korea and “agreed that this latest reckless act only strengthens the world’s determination to confront” growing threat from that nation, according to White House readout, adding that “now is not the time to talk to North Korea.”

Separately, Trump also spoke with Australia Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull yesterday about North Korea’s claimed test of hydrogen bomb. The two leaders confirmed “their two countries will intensify joint efforts to denuclearize North Korea” according to the White House readout.

Furthermore, Defense Sec. Jim Mattis spoke yesterday with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo and assured him that the U.S. “remains ironclad in its commitment to the defense” of the nation. Earlier today, Matthis was quoted as saying that any North Korea threat will be met with “massive response.” His comments failed to make an impression on the market.

via Tyler Durden

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