Leaked White House Memo Reveals McMaster’s Plan To Crackdown On White House Leaks

In perhaps the most ironic story of the week (so far), a leaked White House memo to Buzzfeed News reveals that National security advisor H.R. McMaster urged senior government officials to warn agency employees against leaks of both classified and unclassified information.

“For those with access to classified information, a review of the non-disclosure agreement reminds us of the responsibilities that come with access to, and penalties for unauthorized disclosure of, classified information,” the memo, which BuzzFeed obtained and posted, reads.


“However, it is equally important to discuss the importance of protecting controlled unclassified and personally identifiable information from unauthorized public disclosure.”

As The Hill details, McMaster in the memo said the disclosing classified and some unclassified information “causes harm to our Nation and shakes the confidence of the American people.”

 “In this era of unprecedented unauthorized disclosures, it is important to take time to review with your workforce their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding United States Government information,” the memo reads.

Coming just days after a leaked memo from Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested the use of lie detector tests across a wide swathe of staff to root-out leakers, McMasters’ memo leak suggests The White House is still struggling with containment.

via http://ift.tt/2x4eUNu Tyler Durden

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