Women Sue Google For Sex Discrimination

Exactly one month after former Google engineer James Damore was unceremoniously fired after publishing a manifesto criticizing the company’s diversity hiring practices aimed at recruiting more female engineers, three former female employees are suing the tech giant, accusing it of gender-based pay discrimination, the Associated Press reported.

The lawsuit follows a federal labor investigation that made preliminary findings of systemic pay discrimination among the 21,000 employees at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California. The initial review, which has yet to be finalized, found women earned less than men in nearly every job at the company.

Lawyer James Finberg of Altshuler Berzon LLP, who filed the suit on behalf of Kelly Ellis, Holly Pease and Kelli Wisuri – three women who all quit after being put on career tracks they claim would pay them less than their male counterparts – is seeking class-action status. Finberg aims to represent more than 1,000 employees in the state of California, and is seeking restitution in the form of back pay and a slice of the company.

This compounds the legal troubles for Google, now a subsidiary of parent company Alphabet Inc., which is facing a 2.7 billion euro fine over allegedly monopolistic practices.  

via http://ift.tt/2eYrDax Tyler Durden

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