Google Also Allowed Advertisers To Buy Racist Keywords Like “Why Do Black People Ruin Neighborhoods”

Ever since failing miserably in their efforts to appoint Hillary Clinton to her rightful throne in the Oval Office, Silicon Valley’s biggest tech titans have come under relentless attack from disappointed liberal politicians in DC and their primary propaganda distribution platforms, the mainstream media.

Just last night, on the Rachel Maddow show, Hillary once again blamed Facebook for her 2016 loss and vowed that “we’re going to make Facebook own up to everything” (you can watch the full interview here). 

“We are not going to let the Russians come in and divide us. We’re going to make Facebook own up to everything.”

The irony, of course, is that perhaps no one contributed more money to getting Hillary elected than the same Facebook execs that are now coming under pressure for ‘colluding with Russia” after admitting that a staggering $50,000 worth of ads may have been bought by potentially Russian-linked accounts on their platform.  In fact, Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz even contributed $20 million of his own money to the Democratic efforts in 2016, which we believe is slightly more than $50,000 but we’re not great at math.

But, it’s not just Facebook that has drawn the recent ire of the Left.  After reporting this morning that Facebook had been publicly shamed because its algos allowed advertisers to buy ads tied to racist keyword searches, a similar ‘hit’ has just been launched on Google.

According to a report from BuzzFeed News, the world’s largest advertising platform, like Facebook, allowed advertisers to target their ads specifically to people searching for racist and bigoted terms on Google.  Worse still, as seen in the pic below, if users type in a racist keyword search like “white people ruin” then Google automatically serves up other even more offensive keywords including “blacks destroy everything” and “black people ruin neighborhoods.”

Google, the world’s biggest advertising platform, allows advertisers to specifically target ads to people typing racist and bigoted terms into its search bar, BuzzFeed News has discovered. Not only that, Google will suggest additional racist and bigoted terms once you type some into its ad buying tool.


Type “White people ruin,” as a potential advertising keyword into Google’s ad platform, and Google will suggest you run ads next to searches including “black people ruin neighborhoods.” Type “Why do Jews ruin everything,” and Google will suggest you run ads next to searches including “the evil jew” and “jewish control of banks.”


BuzzFeed News ran an ad campaign targeted to all these keywords and others this week. The ads went live and were visible when we searched for the keywords we’d selected. Google’s ad buying platform tracked the ad views.


And here is a look at the process in real time…


Not surprisingly, BuzzFeed notes that Google has since removed access to all of the offensive keywords (with the exception of “blacks destroy everything” for some reason) and issued an apology for their “offensive suggestions.”

Following our inquiry, Google disabled every keyword in this ad campaign save one — an exact match for “blacks destroy everything,” is still eligible. Google told BuzzFeed News that just because a phrase is eligible does not guarantee an ad campaign will run against it. A total of 17 ad impressions were served before the keywords were disabled.


“This violates our policies against derogatory speech and we have removed it,” a Google spokesperson told BuzzFeed News after being sent a screenshot of live ad campaign targeted to the search terms “Zionists control the world.”


Friday morning, following publication of this story, Google provided a second statement to BuzzFeed News from SVP of advertising, Sridhar Ramaswamy. “Our goal is to prevent our keyword suggestions tool from making offensive suggestions, and to stop any offensive ads appearing. We have language that informs advertisers when their ads are offensive and therefore rejected. In this instance, ads didn’t run against the vast majority of these keywords, but we didn’t catch all these offensive suggestions. That’s not good enough and we’re not making excuses. We’ve already turned off these suggestions, and any ads that made it through, and will work harder to stop this from happening again.”

Next time, perhaps Eric Schmidt will work harder to make sure the right candidate is elected.

via Tyler Durden

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