Soros, Kellogg, Ford: Donor List Of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed

The Center for Community Change Action (CCCA), a Washington, D.C.-based 501 (c)(3) progressive community organizing group and contributor to the anti-Trump “Resistance” movement, counts some of the most prominent American families among its impressive donor base.  Unfortunately, at least for those donors, their staggering contributions to the secretive group have just been revealed by The Washington Free Beacon and include massive multi-million dollar grants from George Soros, the Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation, among others.

The Free Beacon has obtained the group’s unredacted 2015 tax forms that shed light on its funders, who provide millions of dollars in assistance. The group appears to rely heavily on a few major liberal foundations, organizations, and unions.


The Center for Community Change’s largest contribution was $3,000,000 from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which was initially created by Will Kellogg, the food manufacturer and founder of Kellogg Company. The Ford Foundation, which was first created by the founders of the Ford Motor Company, added a $2,350,000 donation. The Open Society Foundation, a foundation run by liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros, gave $1,750,000 to the Center for Community Change.


Other donors to the organization include the California Endowment, which gave $524,500; the Marquerite Casey Foundation, which gave $515,000; Fidelity Charitable Gift, which donated $505,100; and the National Immigration Law Center, which gave $316,000.


Of course, if you thought a $1.8 million contribution from a prominent, billionaire progressive like George Soros was a little stingy, you were right…that’s why he also contributed to CCCA’s various sister organizations, including a $1.5 million donation to their “Social Welfare” arm.

The Center for Community Change Action, the “social welfare” (c)(4) arm of the group, additionally relies on a handful of donors for almost all of its funding, according to its documents that do not include the privacy redactions.


Donors to its “social welfare” arm in 2015 included Every Citizen Counts ($1,750,000 contribution), a nonprofit that was created by allies of Hillary Clinton to mobilize Latino and African-American voters; the Open Society Policy Center ($1,475,000), another Soros group; the Sixteen Thirty Fund ($610,000), a progressive advocacy group; Center for Community Change ($150,000); Services Employees International Union (SEIU) ($150,000); Atlantic Philanthropies ($75,000); and the Tides Foundation ($50,000), the largest liberal donor-advised network, among other funders.

So what did CCCA spend all that money on? Well, if you guessed Black Lives Matter and “Sanctuary Campus” anti-Trump protests then you’re absolutely correct.

The Emergent Fund gives grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 and has provided financing to Black Lives Matter; the Center for Media Justice, which was created to “organize the most under-represented communities in a national movement for media rights”; the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative; and United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the United States.


The Center for Community Change later joined United We Dream for nationwide immigration protests leading up to Trump’s inauguration. United We Dream was additionally behind “sanctuary campus” anti-Trump protests across the country to protect undocumented students.

Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, it appears that all of CCCA’s progressive activism was about as effective as the $1.2 billion that Hillary spent on her 2016 campaign.

via Tyler Durden

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