Gingrich Bashes Bannon’s “War On The Establishment GOP”: “As A Strategy, It’s Stunningly Stupid”

Appearing on the Sean Hannity radio show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich laid into Bannon’s efforts to launch an outright civil war within the Republican Party, describing it as “stunningly stupid.” 

As The Hill notes, Gingrich instead suggests that Bannon should dedicate his fundraising efforts to supporting mainstream candidates in states like Missouri and West Virginia in order to assure a larger Republican majority in the Senate for the last two years of Trump’s first term.

Gingrich pushed back on Hannity’s nationally-syndicated radio show Tuesday when asked about Bannon’s comments.


“The point I would make as a strategist is you got 10 Democrats up next year in states Trump carried,” Gingrich noted. “You have six Democrats up next year in states Trump carried by a huge margin. Now you take the amount of money Bannon is going to raise. If he spent that money in North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia — the fact is you would have such a big Republican majority, you’d pass the stuff you guys want to pass.”


“Creating a civil war inside the Republican Party may feel good, but I think as a strategy, it is stunningly stupid. I’m just being really honest,” he added.

Of course, the criticism from Gingrich comes after Bannon appeared on Fox News with Hannity vowing to, among other things, “challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz” in the upcoming mid-term election cycle.

100%. We are declaring war on the Republican establishment that does not back the agenda that Donald Trump ran on and the president of the United States, and that’s the agenda we know that backs the working men and women…


Karl Rove, Steven Law, these guys should get the joke. Their donors are coming to us because they are tired of having their money burned up by trying to destroy people like Judge Moore. It’s a new game in town. We are going to cut off the oxygen to Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell’s biggest asset is the money. We’re going to make it the biggest liability. We’re going after these guys tooth and nail.


They have to understand. There’s a basic agenda that President Trump rand on and won. He carried states that Republicans haven’t carried in living memory — Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. This agenda works. The American people voted for it. It’s their responsibility.


There’s a coalition coming together. It’s going to challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz. Whether it’s Utah, Wyoming, whether it’s in Oregon.


These names are all going to come out in the next several weeks.

Oddly enough, Gingrich seems to be calling for the same campaign tactics that failed both Hillary Clinton and Jon Ossoff, namely that ‘more money’ equals ‘more victories’.  Love him or hate him, Trump’s candidacy should have proven once and for all that money can’t necessarily buy results any longer in modern American politics…shockingly, that conclusion is seemingly lost on Newt Gingrich.

via Tyler Durden

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