White Famous Takes on Race and Comedy: New at Reason

'White Famous'Young black comedian Floyd Mooney is unfamiliar with the concept of “white famous,” so his agent explains it for him: a fame so singular that the name alone obliterates all ethnic boundaries: “Obama. Tiger Woods. Will Smith before the Jada shit.” And it is within Floyd’s grasp, the agent cheerily adds: “All you gotta do is be willing to wrap your lips around a little white dick now and then.”

That exchange pretty much sums up White Famous, a scathingly funny cocktail of hardball racial humor, caustic Hollywood self-lampoon and general filthy talk. It hits gender and race hot-buttons like Ali and Frazier hit each other—fast, hard and bloody—and if you’re interested, you might want to see it soon, because even on premium cable, its life span may be short. Television critic Glenn Garvin reviews.

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