Wholesale Sales Surge Near Most In 7 Years As Inventories Rebound

Following a disappointing tumble in October, November wholesale inventories rebounded 0.8% MoM (better than expected) but slowed modestly YoY (+3.96%).

However, wholesale sales surged 1.5% MoM, pushing it to a near-7-year-high 9.85% YoY surge.



So this should be a modest positive for Q4 GDP (better than expected inventory growth) erasing October’s loss for a 0.5% gain so far in Q4.

Further good news is that the wholesale trade “gap” continues to decline…



The question is – how sustainable is the credit-fueled buying spree? And what happens if retail doesn’t follow the same path, buying this product from wholesale?

via RSS http://ift.tt/2mmXk1y Tyler Durden

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