“Why Are They Still Here?”: FBI Agents Wonder Why Anti-Trump Clinton Operatives Still Have A Job

Authored by Alex Thomas via SHTFplan.com,

The recently revealed text messages from Clinton operatives within the FBI that spoke about a “secret society” within the agency that met to discuss ways to take out President Trump have led many to question how those involved still have a job at the agency despite the mounting evidence of widespread corruption.


Keep in mind that it has already been revealed that top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, along with his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, were directly involved in a conspiracy to protect their preferred presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton while doing everything in their power to hurt her opponent, Donald Trump.

Now we know that those two, along with a slew of others within the federal government, actually continued their operation against Trump after he was democratically elected, even taking their conspiracy so far as to set up a sort of secret society which included the same key figures who helped jump start the sham Russian investigation in the first place.

Amazingly, there are apparently agents with the FBI itself who are just as angry about said conspiracy as are the American people and are now telling reporters that they are concerned that those involved still work for the FBI in any capacity.

According to a report from investigative journalist Sara Carter, agents within the FBI have told her that they question how anti-Trump operatives such as Strzok and Page even still have a job after all the shocking revelations surrounding their work to protect Clinton and hurt Trump.

Real Clear Politics reports:

Carter pointed out that previously revealed Strzok-Page texts alluded to an “insurance policy” that could be used if Trump won the presidency.

“Their worst nightmare has come true, the president is elected. That is something they did not expect. FBI sources said from the very beginning that they didn’t want Trump to make it into office.”

“I’m concerned that they’re still working at the FBI,” Carter said. “I’m hearing from my sources, too. FBI agents are saying, ‘Why are they still there?’”

“The Lovebirds. They were having an affair, they were both married, they’re working counter-intelligence. That’s enough for blackmail,” Carter said. “Now they’re sending text messages on an unsecured phone. Believe me, the Germans, the Russians, the Israelis, everybody is going into those phones and trying to suck out all the information they have.”

One has to wonder if they simply know too much and cannot be fully fired over fears that they may spill the beans on the entire conspiracy which many now believe to be worse than Watergate.

Carter also touched on the laughable claim that the missing text messages (from a key point when those involved would actually be carrying out key parts of the conspiracy) were lost due to some sort of cellphone glitch.

About the FBI’s claim that the Samsung phones are responsible for the 50,000 additional missing text messages, Carter says: “I can tell you this, a lot of people within the DOJ, possibly even the inspector general himself, a lot of people within these committees do not buy this.

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