Perris ‘House of Horror’ Allegations a Bad Pretext for Regulating Homeschooling: New at Reason

Every awful situation cannot be remedied by government regulation.

Steven Greenhut writes:

This idea may come as a shock to some lawmakers, but every awful situation cannot be remedied by government regulation. Here’s another simple lesson that might cause gasps in the state and federal capitols: Sometimes the government overseers, flush with power and lacking in accountability, cause more mayhem than they rectify. Sometimes there just isn’t any easy solution for dealing with the human condition.

Those are important points to remember following a troubling news event from last month. In the Riverside County suburb of Perris, police found “13 brothers and sisters who appeared to have been held captive by their parents,” with some allegedly found “chained and padlocked to their beds inside the dark and foul-smelling house,” according to the Press-Enterprise. Detailed allegations made by prosecutors turned my stomach—and sound like something from a horror movie.

When bad things happen, we find two instinctual reactions. First, there’s the natural desire to “do something.” Next, policy makers—especially those with particular agendas—follow the advice of the current Chicago mayor, Democrat Rahm Emanuel: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Unfortunately, the things that are done usually are best left undone.

In this case, David and Louise Turpin, the parents of children who are 2 to 29 years old, were apparently homeschooling their children. This has turned a story about alleged human depravity into a call for tougher oversight of homeschools, which now educate around 2 million students each year throughout the United States. There almost certainly are some bad “schools,” but it’s wrong to use this case to clamp down on a bright spot in education.

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