Package Bombs Rock Austin, O.J. Simpson Offers Hypothetical Murder Confession, and Trump Backs Off Raising the Age to Buy Certain Guns: P.M. Links

  • Package bombs that have killed two in Austin, Texas may be connected, say police.
  • O.J. Simpson offers hypothetical murder confession in a 2006 interview which just now surfaced.
  • Trump has backtracked on his calls for raising the federal age limit required to buy “assault weapons” from 18 to 21. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says that raising the age is still on the table.
  • Protestors gearing up for President Trump’s visit to California this Tuesday.
  • British PM points finger at Russia over recent nerve agent poisoning of ex-Russian spy and his daughter.
  • Thousands of Cuban exiles consider returning to live in their home country.

from Hit & Run

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