Watch Live: ‘Is There a “Rape Culture” on College Campuses?’

“There is a rape culture on college campuses that creates an unsafe environment for female students.”

That’s the resolution for tonight’s Reason-Soho Forum debate, which starts at 6:30 P.M. ET at the Subculture Theater in New York’s East Village.

Michael Kimmel will be arguing the affirmative. He is the SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University and the author of Manhood in America; Angry White Men; The Politics of Manhood; The Gendered Society; and the best seller, Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. Cathy Young will be arguing the negative. She is a contributing editor at Reason magazine, a weekly columnist at Newsday, and a regular contributor to the Jewish Daily Forward and The Weekly Standard. She’s the author of two books: Growing Up in Moscow: Memories of a Soviet Girlhood (1989) and Ceasefire: Why Women and Men Must Join Forces to Achieve True Equality (1999).

The Soho Forum is an Oxford-style debate, which means that the audience votes before and after the proceedings. The participant who moves the most people to his or her side is declared the winner. Livestream viewers can vote by following the instructions made by moderator Gene Epstein and going here to register both your pre-debate and and post-debate answers.

For more information go here. To check out past Reason/Soho Forum debates, go here.

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