Tesla Model S Crashes Into Parked Cars After Starting On Its Own

Another day, another mysterious Tesla vehicle crash…

Bloomberg reports that a Tesla vehicle crashed into five parked cars in the Brussels borough of Saint-Gilles Tuesday, with the driver reportedly having said he was outside the car, with the engine running, as it drove away.

Police said it received a call for an incident involving a Tesla and other cars in the early evening of May 29, but did not intervene as the owners decided to handle the case through their insurance companies, Kathleen Calie, a spokeswoman for Brussels South police, said by phone.

As Le Soir reports, according to the police, the owner of the vehicle was outside the car, busy closing the gate of his agency while the engine was running. The Tesla then set off on its own, crashing into other cars parked nearby before finishing off at a Dacia Logan across the street.

Tesla has denied the driver’s version of events…

“We have investigated the facts of the incident and we can confirm that the customer was driving and operating his car himself, without using Autopilot, which is a level 2 driving assistance system that doesn’t make a Tesla a self-driving car,” a Tesla spokesperson said in an emailed response to questions.

But still, Tesla stock is sliding – not helped by the Softbank snub…


But bonds are the real signal here as they languish near record lows…


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