Listening to Your Opposition Is Better Than Screaming at Them: New at Reason

Samantha BeeBack in September of 2017, Trump supporters held a giant rally—the Mother of All Rallies, as they called it—in Washington. Some folks from Black Lives Matter also showed up. The two groups usually get along like oil and water. And that’s about how well they were getting along on this particular day.

But then something happened. The organizer of the Trump rally, Tommy Hodges, invited the leader of the BLM group, Hawk Newsome, onto the stage to speak. “We’re gonna give you two minutes of our platform to put your message out,” Hodges said.

That moment came to mind Thursday, when social media was swarming with its usual angry-hornet mobs, who were fighting over what Samantha Bee had said. Her remark can’t be repeated here; suffice it to say that she told Ivanka Trump, on national TV, “Do something about your dad’s immigration policies, you feckless”—and then used one of the two most vile words in the English language. Liberal media outlets ate it up.

What happened next was predictable. Conservatives compared the situation to Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet and railed against liberal double standards. Liberals shot back that the two situations were completely different. More conservatives dredged up horrible things liberals had said in the past, and more liberals dredged up horrible things conservatives had said in the past, and so it went. A. Barton Hinkle looks deeper.

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