New Summer Television Sees Kevin Costner Back in the Saddle: New at Reason

'Yellowstone'Television critic Glenn Garvin takes a look at modern Western Yellowstone on the Paramount Network and ABC’s Take Two, which will be very familiar to fans of Castle. This is apparently deliberate. On Yellowstone:

At a moment of crisis in the Paramount Network’s new Western Yellowstone, rancher John Dutton’s sabre-toothed daughter pleads with him: “Just tell me who to fight.” Dutton’s snarled reply: “Everyone!”

And there in a nutshell—or maybe a spent .50 caliber cartridge—you have the entire ethos of the fiercely engrossing Yellowstone, a bloody and paranoid parable of anti-modernism.

An updated version of the late-’60s Western family melodrama The Big Valley, or maybe just The Sopranos reimagined as an oat opera, Yellowstone is set in 21st-century Montana.

There John Dutton (Kevin Costner) owns the largest cattle ranch in the United States. And though they may be waving subpoenas and court orders instead of guns—mostly, anyway—the bad guys are circling the fences just like in the old days: A developer dreaming of tract houses. A town looking to add property to its tax rolls. Greedhead greens from a national park. And even Indians, led by a new chieftain flush with casino money that he intends to employ in booting Dutton off old tribal lands.

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