Giuliani Says Trump “Close” To Decision On Mueller Interview

After telling his audience that he would encourage Michael Cohen to cooperate with prosecutors, Rudy Giuliani took a few moments during an interview with George Stephanopouls to provide an update on President Trump’s thinking regarding the possibility of a sit-down interview with Robert Mueller. After saying last month that a decision should be expected by the end of July at the latest, Giuliani reiterated Sunday that Trump is “close” to a decision on a Mueller sit down, but “evidence of bias” out of the DOJ have given the president’s legal team pause.

Trump won’t agree to an interview unless Mueller can show the president’s lawyers that the decision to launch the investigation into Trump was justified, Giuliani added. While the president wants to testify, Giuliani said, so much has happened this year that is difficult to ignore.

President Trump tweeted last night that the public’s trust in the Mueller “Witch Hunt” is rapidly deteriorating thanks to the “FBI lovebirds” – a reference to agent Peter Strzok, who is expected to testify publicly before Congress this week.

Last week, troubling new evidence about Strzok’s behavior emerged in a report by the Hill’s John Solomon about an email detailing Strzok’s scramble to find dirt on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page as a pretext for investigating the campaign.

Given these revelations and other factors like the prosecution into Michael Cohen and the contents of the Inspector General’s report, Giuliani insisted that it would be “unfair” to expect Trump and his legal team to rush their client into a meeting with Mueller, despite their reservations.

“This is the most corrupt investigation that I’ve ever seen that the Justice Department has allowed to go forward,” Giuliani said.


“The reason for the extension are the extraordinary things that have happened that we didn’t expect. First there was the Cohen thing…then the Horowitz report…it casts a taint over the entire investigation,” Giuliani said.


“How you could expect us to just walk up our client like a lamb going to the slaughter, we wouldn’t be lawyers if we would do that,” Giuliani said.

Mueller has threatened to subpoeana the president if he refuses to sit down for an interview – something that could trigger a legal battle that would likely ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court. But with Trump about to make his second appointment to the Court, we imagine his legal team is feeling pretty good about their chances.

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