London Mayor Slams Trump For “Normalizing” Far-Right Groups

While President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump met the Queen for tea, London Mayor Sadiq Khan bashed the president in an interview and accused him of “normalizing far right groups” in an interview with Bloomberg.

Asked why Trump singles him out for criticism instead of other mayors of cities in the UK and elsewhere in Europe where there have been terror attacks, Khan said it’s for Trump to explain why he singles Khan out for criticism.

“It’s for President Trump to explain why he singles me out in the way that he does in tweets and interviews he gives,” Khan said.

Trump last tweeted about Khan more than a year ago following the June 2017 London Bridge attacks.

Asked if he believes Trump’s criticisms are motivated by racism, Khan declined to answer the question directly, but said that Trump sometimes “normalizes and gives credibility to” far-right groups.

“Sometimes he can normalize and give credibility to some views that far right groups hold,” Khan said.

Still, Khan insisted that “here in London, we love America and we love Americans,” adding that some US citizens who’ve chosen to make their home in London would be joining in the protests against Trump, before insisting that “diversity is a strength, not a weakness.”

“Diversity is a strength not a weakness. I really enjoy the fact that here in London you can be of different religion, different ethnicity and not just get on but respect, celebrate and embrace each other,” Khan said in response to trump’s criticism of immigration in Europe.

Watch the full interview below:

While most of the media coverage has focused on the protests that greeted Trump upon his arrival in London, with particular focus on Khan’s approval of a giant “baby Trump” balloon that will fly over London during Trump’s visit.


…The coverage has largely failed to point out that a similar campaign to launch a Sadiq Khan baby balloon has actually outraised the Trump balloon campaign.


Could this have something to do with the fact that violent crime in London is seeing its worst spike in years?

Of course, angry leftists can riot all they like…it doesn’t change the fact that Trump is visiting London and could even strike a lucrative trade deal.

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