Trump “Very Concerned” Over Russian Election Meddling In MidTerms “For The Democrats”

Having sheepishly admitted that Russia did ‘meddle’ in the 2016 elections (but no collusion), President Trump is now keeping an eagle eye on ‘Russian meddlers’.

In his latest tweet – on what is already nearing a record tweet frequency day – Trump said he was “very concerned” that Russia will attempt to interfere in this year’s midterm elections, claiming “they will be pushing very hard” to support Democrats.

Trump has regularly claimed that no president has been tougher on Russia than him, but he has drawn bipartisan criticism for his reluctance to call out Putin, particularly on the matter of election interference.

Additionally, while Trump thinks Putin will meddle in favor of the left, it appears President Putin thinks differently, as he said in Helsinki:

Reporter: “Did you want President Trump to win the election?”

President Putin: “Yes I did. Yes I did. Because he talked about bringing the US-Russia relationship back to normal.”

And for now, the Democrats are extending their lead in a generic ballot – having troughed at the Kim-Trump Summit in June…

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