Steve “Big Short” Eisman Is Now Shorting Tesla

Elon Musk’s week just got a lot worse…

Having sent lewd photos to one critic and threatened legal action to another critical blogger, we wonder what billionaire Musk will do now that Steve “The Big Short” Eisman is explicitly shorting Tesla stock.

The Neuberger Berman Group money manager who famously predicted the collapse of subprime mortgages before the 2008 financial crisis blasted Musk on Bloomberg TV this morning:

Elon Musk is a very, very smart man but there are a lot of smart people in this world and you’ve got to execute. He’s got execution problems…”

“He’s nowhere in autonomous driving, as far as I can tell, and big competition is coming in his space next year.”

Tesla’s bonds and stocks have faded notably…

…as investors question its viability amid massive cash burns…

– not helped by the news that Musk recently asked some suppliers to return a portion of part payments to help the electric-car maker to turn a profit.




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