West Hollywood Passes Resolution To Remove Trump’s Star On Walk Of Fame

The West Hollywood City Council unanimously voted to formally seek the removal of President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, according to  mayor John Duran who tweeted: “West Hollywood City council unanimously passes resolution asking the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the Donald Trump star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.” Duran then compared President Trump to a dark wizard from Harry Potter known as a horcrux. 

Unfortunately for Duran, the vote was largely symbolic – as it means West Hollywood will ask the Los Angeles City Council and Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the star, which was added in 2007. The Monday night resolution against Trump’s star was “due to his disturbing treatment of women and other actions that do not meet the shared values of the City of West Hollywood, the region, state, and country.” 

Similar demands to remove the stars of disgraced celebrities Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby were refused by the Chamber, which said that stars are never removed since the Walk is a historical landmark. 

“Once a star has been added to the walk, it is considered a part of the historic fabric of the Hollywood Walk of Fame,” said former chamber president Leron Gubler. “Because of this, we have never removed a star from the walk.”

Former Hollywood Walk of Fame Committee Chair Johnny Grant said prior to his death; “Stars are awarded for professional achievement to the world of entertainment and contributions to the community. A celebrity’s politics, philosophy, irrational behavior, or outrageous remarks have never been cause to remove a Walk of Fame star.”

Seemingly weekly pick-axings and political skirmishes between Trump supporters and his detractors may test the resolve of officials, however, as the star has been vandalized numerous times and destroyed twice. 

In full Trump-defiance, West Hollywood gave porn star Stormy Daniels the keys to the city. 

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