Watch Antifa Storm Portland City Hall, Smash Security Guard In Head

Black-clad activists stormed Portland City Hall on Wednesday to protest the city’s crowd control techniques used by police during last Saturday’s counter-protest of a conservative march. The group assaulted one security guard with a megaphone and scuffled with several others, reports Oregon Live

Some of those who say they were injured by officers dressed in military gear and wielding batons or non-lethal munitions were on scene Wednesday, trying to speak with city officials.

One demonstrator, who was masked and wearing a baseball helmet, smashed a security guard over the head repeatedly with a megaphone. The guard was seen afterward clutching a bag of ice, a bruise beginning to form on his cheek. –Oregon Live

City Hall chief of security, Dorothy Elmore, reports being struck in the arm by a protester, while an unidentified bandana-clad man who was found sprawled on the floor outside the mayor’s office was arrested and carried out by his arms and legs. Also arrested was 67-year-old Diane Keeauve, according to Portland police spokesman Sgt. Chris Burley. 

Each of the protesters face second-degree trespassing charges, said Burley. 

The demonstration started on a less rowdy note. A few dozen protesters converged near City Hall’s east portico beginning around 9:30 a.m. to rail against police brutality after riot cops injured multiple people at Saturday’s downtown protests.

Among them were those who say they were physically harmed by officers as police attempted to clear the rally against the right-wing group Patriot Prayer. –Oregon Live

“I should be home recovering from the pain and trauma I’m suffering. But I’m also suffering from complete outrage and powerlessness,” said Michelle Fawcett, who lives in Portland.

The 52-year-old Fawcett sustained third-degree chemical burns after being struck by a flash-bang grenade fired by police. 

civil disturbance was declared at Saturday’s march, after police say Antifa counter-protesters threw projectiles at them. 

Portland police chief Danielle Outlaw said on Monday that the bureau had temporarily suspended the use of flash-bang grenades, which they refer to as “aerial distraction devices,” until they determine of they are working correctly after at least three people were hospitalized Saturday according to the activists. 

Leo Lacroix said he was injured when a non-lethal projectile fired by police grazed his head. He showed a reporter photos of his bloodied forehead and a scab from the small wound.

“I’d like to know why I was shot in the head by the cops,” said Lacroix, 28. –Oregon Live

The Portland city council meeting began on Wednesday with little disruption, however after a man was escorted out of the building for swearing at council members, people in the audience broke into chants of “end police brutality,” which mayor Ted Wheeler admonished them for. When they would not stop, he called a recess to the session and reconvened with city commissioners in a conference room outside of his office – where the meeting was conducted despite muffled chants of “shame on you” from protesters outside. 

Commissioner carried on through their agenda despite muffled chants of “shame on you” from protesters outside.

“What’s happening downstairs?” Commissioner Amanda Fritz asked during a break between hearings.

“Well, there’s actually a gentleman laying on the floor right outside,” replied Matt Grumm, chief of staff to Commissioner Dan Saltzman.

Grumm turned to Commissioner Nick Fish: “Jumped on an e-scooter yet?”

Fish replied that he had not, but that they “seem to be everywhere.”

Though the meeting went on in ho-hum fashion, with discussions of property liens, eminent domain and parks bonds, the atmosphere outside was anything but. –Oregon Live

At that point, the protesters broke in and began assaulting city employees, only to stop after they were threatened with arrest. 

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