Authored by John van Dongen via,
Senior government officials in Tanzanian, Rwandan and Ugandan, have said their countries are on a high risk of Ebola outbreak after the disease killed 75 out of 111 patients in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.
After we sent a wake-up call in July 2018 to the Ugandan Government that Ebola will be introduced to Uganda after vaccine trials are conducted in DRC Congo and that the Ugandan the Tanzanian, Rwandan and Ugandan governments took excessive measurements.
We warned the Ugandan government that Ebola will enter in a certain region in the North East of Uganda under the disguise of so-called European proclamation that opposition armed forces will not allow WHO, UNHCR and Europe to interfere in the Ebola outbreak.
History of Ebola and Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Virus
Scientists studying viral disease agents in the laboratory for biowarfare purposes and cure against it have become infected in Russia, United States, Crimea, Tajikistan, Philippines, Germany, Former Yugoslavia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, South Africa many decades ago.
A similar accident with Ebola had reportedly occurred at the US Army’s biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, where the Ebola virus was invented, but the researcher involved didn’t acquire the disease. This incident is not listed on the CDC’s list of confirmed outbreaks, perhaps because the researcher didn’t develop antibodies.
At the beginning of the former century, new concerns about bio-weapons being used to generate terror and also with a series of new disease-causing microbes have resulted in infections and deaths of workers studying them in the laboratories. And now we have bats, monkeys, tics, swine, horse flies and mosquitos are spreading genetic manipulated diseases made in biowarfare Centers throughout the hearts of all epidemics.
Some latest examples: the 2014 infections and deaths of five researchers who were isolating the West African Ebola virus for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing epidemiology studies. Beginning in March 2014, a devastating Ebola outbreak in West Africa caused widespread suffering and damaged fragile public health systems.
Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Biowarfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio-laboratories in 25 countries across the world causing especially Ebola and HIV in Africa for depopulation reasons.
These US Ebola biowarfare-laboratories are funded, amongst many others, by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program, Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.
It is very striking the number of American research laboratories, who have created the Ebola virus, working on protection against bioterrorism has increased from 20 to 400 over the last 10 years throughout the Ebola and HIV fallout regions.
Most of these centers appeared in African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, DRC, Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Egypt. Such laboratories allow developing biological weapons.
This includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is now the point agency for managing the Ebola spill-over into the US.
If you look at a map of the west coast of Africa you can see where laboratories are located as they are across the heart of the Ebola epidemic. Probably some of these labs are the origins of the Ebola epidemics.
Laboratory-acquired viral and bacterial infections in research facilities happen. Although less common than infections of clinical workers handling patient samples, infections of researchers with serious pathogens can lead to death.
This is an increasing problem as governments of USA and technically advanced nations have increased research on potential bioterrorism agents and as concerns have grown about the capture of such bioweapons by rogue nations and non-government groups.
Millions or billions on our planet worry whether the African pandemic might be rapidly turning into a global epidemic spreading to every corner of the earth.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and US government are busily downplaying the risks to citizens here in North America.
The specific character of Ebola spreading and high lethality of the virus allows killing people selectively targeting villages, cities or countries. Biological war might be very fast and successful if a state for a case of unforeseen circumstance already has a developed and tested vaccine.
The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone.
The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research.
This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.
In bringing the two Ebola-infected Americans back from West Africa to the CDC, in addition to optimizing their survival chance, the other all too obvious explanation is to harvest their Ebola cells for extraction that will then be used to patent the most deadly strain ever known to man.
No doubt the US government is highly invested in Ebola for both potential profits developing a vaccine as well as for a potential solution as a convenient biowarfare global population-killer.
Speaking of profits, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals, a pharmacological company gets a huge benefit because millions of peoples, as well as governments, bought prepared vaccine.
It’s not above suspicion that the American military has also been doing research on Ebola as a bioweapon.
Its stable nature in aerosol makes it attractive as a potential biological weapon. USA have been using DRC, Uganda, Liberia and Sierra Leone as an offshore to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons and do bio-warfare work.
For instance, the US Army has been deployed to Vaziani Military Air Base, 17 km away from the Pentagon bio-laboratory at The Lugar Center in Georgia.
Leaks from within Western establishments and their behavior fuel the conspiracy theories that Ebola is bio-weapon created by the West to depopulate Africa.
In 1943 Crimea faced a severe outbreak of Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Virus CCHV (Ebola). Several scientific textbooks like ‘Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare’ (1997) by Zygmunt F. Dembek, a Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, as well as ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ by Eric A. Croddy et al. and finally, ‘A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health’ by Wiley Blackwell tell us why Ebola takes its route from Crimea to the Congo.
So if Ebola came from laboratories of the US Army then, what is the connection of the presence of US Army and World Health Organization WHO and the Centers for Disease Control CDC facilities in the Philippines?
How is it possible that people from the World Health Organization examined Ebola contaminated pigs and a worker in a pig farm in Bulacan, before the outbreak in Reston in 1976? It is only the WHO and some elements of the US Army in the Philippines that have the capability to transport, spread and identify the Marburg virus in the early sixties.
Sequential Ebola outbreaks and events
*In 1967, 31 people from Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany, and then in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, went down with the so-called Marburg fever. It was allegedly imported by green monkeys which originated in Uganda.
*In 1967, Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Virus (Ebola) was isolated in what was at that time the Belgian Congo. In 25% of those afflicted, it resulted in bleeding to death. And it resulted just after the aforementioned outbreaks in Germany and Yugoslavia. This virus which then made its appearance in Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa is closely related to the California Encephalitis Virus.
*In 1975, this disease cropped up 8000 kilometers away in South Africa in 1976 and over 1000 migrants catch the Ebola disease and never returned home. CCHV made it’s appearance as ‘Ebola fever,’ in Sudan and Zaire, (in American hospitals). 50% of patients died.
It is scientifically well known this CCHV is not only related to California Encephalitis but also to rabies, and its spread is allegedly unknown. And almost all scientists in the field of biowarfare products know about genetic engineered techniques in order to make animals and insects susceptible to the Ebola/CCHV viruses.
*In 1976 Ebola occurred in Nzara (the source town), Mardi, Tumbura, and Juba (Cities in present-day South Sudan). The index cases were workers in a cotton factory. The disease was spread by close contact with an acute case, usually from patients to their nurses. Much medical care personnel was infected.
*In 1979 in Sudan Ebola occurred in Nzara and Maridi. This was a recurrent outbreak at the same site as the 1976 Sudan epidemic.
*In 1989, the CDC reports, Ebola-Reston virus was introduced into quarantine facilities in Virginia and Pennsylvania by monkeys imported from the Philippines. No humans were infected.
The Reston virus (RESTV) was first identified when it caused high mortality in crab-eating macaques in a primate research facility responsible for exporting animals to the United States. Three workers in the facility developed antibodies to the virus but did not get sick
*In 1990, Ebola-Reston virus was introduced once again into biowarfare quarantine facilities in Virginia and Texas by monkeys imported from the Philippines. Four humans developed antibodies but did not get sick.
*In 1994 Ivory Coast This case was the first and thus far only recognition of Tai Forest virus (TAFV). Approximately one week after conducting necropsies on infected western chimpanzees in Tai National Park, a scientist contracted the virus and developed symptoms similar to those of dengue fever. She was discharged from a Swiss hospital two weeks later and fully recovered after six weeks
*In 1994/1995 Occurred in Makokou and gold-mining camps deep in the rainforest along the Ivindo River. Until 1995, the outbreak was incorrectly classified as yellow fever.
* From 1994 till 1996 four Ebola outbreaks occurred in the village of Mayibout 2 and neighboring areas. A chimpanzee found dead in the forest was eaten by villagers hunting for food. Nineteen people involved in the butchery of the animal became ill, and other cases occurred in their family members.
In the Booué area with the transport of patients to Libreville. The index case-patient was a hunter who lived in a forest timber camp. The disease was spread by close contact with infected persons.
A dead chimpanzee found in the forest at the time was determined to be infected on both sides of the border between Gabon and the Republic of the Congo (RC). This outbreak included the first reported occurrence of Ebola virus disease in the RC.
*In 1996, Ebola-Reston virus was introduced into a quarantine facility in Texas by monkeys imported from the Philippines. No human infections were identified.
*In 2000 until the beginning of 2001 Ebola Occurred in the Gulu, Masindi, and Mbarara districts of Uganda. The three greatest risks associated with Sudan virus infection were attending funerals of case-patients, having contact with case-patients in one’s family, and providing medical care to case-patients without using adequate personal protective measures
*In May of 2004, a Russian scientist died of Ebola after accidentally pricking herself with a syringe while conducting research on infected guinea pigs in Siberia.
*In 2004 Ebola occurred in Yambio county in Western Equatoria of southern Sudan (present-day South Sudan). This outbreak was concurrent with an outbreak of measles in the same area.
*In 2004 The largest outbreak of Ebola Marburg virus ever occurred in Angola.
*In 2007 Ebola Occurred in the Bundibugyo District in western Uganda. This was the first identification of the Bundibugyo virus (BDBV)
*In 2009, a scientist in Berlin, Germany accidentally pricked herself
and was infected with Ebola. She was given an experimental vaccine as part of her treatment and did not become ill.
*In 2012 Ebola occurred in the Kibaale District Uganda.
*From 2013 till 2016 widespread Ebola outbreaks occurred in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Mali, United States, Senegal, Spain, and Italy.
If Ebola came from laboratories of the US Army then; what is the connection of the presence of the US Army, the World Health Organization WHO and the Centers for Disease Control CDC in Ebola facilities in the Philippines in the sixties and seventies?
As the Marburg virus before the outbreak in 1967 has not existed then, how is it possible that worldwide everybody works with the Marburg virus without Leve1-4 laboratories at that particular time, and secondly how could they act without legal permission or official guidelines as we stated: It is noteworthy to remember the signing of the Geneva accord by Nixon in 1970?
According to all the aforementioned events, namely; involvement of national military, medical and pharmacological biowarfare institutes, track of the green monkeys causing Ebola laboratory outbreaks in 1967, in Germany, Belgrade and Frankfurt at the same time, its discovery in Crimea in 1943, its detection and isolation, the appearances of Ebola virus in insects and animal species, as well as to publish about the Ebola virus at the Fourth Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiologia in Lima, Peru on the 26th of November 1967, only six days after the identification, shows the man-made interferences of the development of man-made Ebola viruses.
Whatever the Marburg or Ebola virus may be it must be created long before its first outbreak in 1967 and the first outbreak in The Congo in 1976.
The virus is human-made and tested on black skinned people in Africa in order to find vaccines against it for military defense purposes and to depopulate the African continent.
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