“This Is War”: Michael Moore Compares Trump To Hitler In New Documentary

Filmmaker Michael Moore has compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler in his new documentary, “Farenheit 11/9” which premiered Thursday at the Toronto International Film Festival to a sold-out audience. 

“Fahrenheit 11/9” takes its title from the early hours of Nov. 9, 2016, when Republican candidate Trump was officially declared the victor over Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton. –Bloomberg

Moore, whose last documentary accidentally helped Trump win the 2016 election by delivering an unintentionally inspiring speech, superimposed Trump’s words over video of Hitler speaking at rallies, as the liberal activist narrates about the rise of strong men to positions of power. 

“We explore the question of how the hell we got in this mess and how do we get out of it,” Moore told reporters before the film’s screening. 

“He’s (Trump) been around for a long time and we’ve behaved in a certain way for a long time and when you look back now you can see how the road was paved for him.”


Moore says his new film is a call to action for Americans.

We are in a war to get our country back,” he said. “Anyone who doesn’t understand that is going to be sorely disappointed in the results of what’s about to happen in the next few years with Donald Trump.”

Moore suggests that Trump’s 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton was due to widespread overconfidence that she would win, “vested interests,” and a US media which showcased Trump’s big audiences (when in fact Trump spent virtually the entire election chiding CNN and other networks for not showing the size of his crowds). 

Moore spent most of last year doing a one-man Broadway show in which he ranted about Trump while encouraging liberals to turn their anger and hatred of Trump into resistance. 

In June, he told the Late Show‘s Stephen Colbert that “wimpy and weak” Democrats need to “rise up” and resist Trump by putting their “bodies on the line.” 

Moore, who says he “cries every single day when he watches the news,” initially stressed “We don’t have to be violent, we have to remain non-violent,” only to later ask “When are people going to get off the couch and rise up?” – adding:

Sadly, Trump is not going to leave … He plans to be re-elected, he loves the term ‘president for life.’ The only way that we’re going to stop this is eventually we’re all going to have to put our bodies on the line. You’re going to have to be willing to do this.”

After Moore’s Toronto premiere, the filmmaker appeared on stage with several Florida school students who have participated in nationwide protests advocating for stricter gun laws. 

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