The Reason The Solar Observatory Was Closed Is Revealed, And It’s As Disturbing As It Is Unbelievable

As we noted earlier in the week, The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico reopened on Monday after it was shut down September 6 following a mysterious FBI raid, according to the group which manages the facility. 

And despite federal agents swooping in on a Blackhawk helicopter, and a “bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers” before the site was completely evacuated – the official explanation has left people scratching their heads; According to officials, they had been cooperating with an existing law enforcement investigation, when “a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents,” so “moving the small number of on-site staff and residents off the mountain was the most prudent and effective action to ensure their safety.”

AURA has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location. 

The decision to vacate was based on the logistical challenges associated with protecting personnel at such a remote locationand the need for expeditious response to the potential threat. AURA determined that moving the small number of on-site staff and residents off the mountain was the most prudent and effective action to ensure their safety. –AURA

No word on why the FBI was involved, or urgently needed to fly in on a loud, suspect-spooking helicopter instead of simply driving to the facility, or why they couldn’t just arrest the guy and keep the place open. Also no explanation for the work crew climbing all over the towers, or why they shut down the post office.

But it gets even more mysterious, as’s Mac Slavo notes, the “official” reason for the closure is far more sinister, as reports:

A federal search warrant reveals that Sunspot Solar Observatory was shut down as FBI agents conducted computer forensic searches for child pornography.

The source of child pornography was traced to an IP address used at the observatory and a source within the building observed a computer with “not good” images on it, the warrant states.

The warrant also states that the suspect used the observatory’s WiFi and a personal laptop to download the images.

According to the FBI, a janitor is the main suspect. He was one of the few people who had access to the observatory from dusk until dawn. His name is listed on the warrant, but he has yet to be charged with a crime.

The observatory reopened on September 17.

Some are skeptical about this explanation, given that all employees were evacuated from the site. About a dozen residents who live around the site were also evacuated. The U.S. Postal Service decided to evacuate employees, too, according to a report by the Alamogordo Daily News.

Evacuating employees, local residents, and post office employees seems a little extreme, doesn’t it? How would a computer containing child pornography (as terrible as it is) be dangerous to employees and people who were not even in the building?

Why were the people working on the radio towers?

When was the last time a pedophile was taken down with a Blackhawk? It appears to us that the “official” reason for this debacle is even more unreasonable than the official “facts” behind the Skripal murders in England (though we are sure it will not be long before the Russians are blamed for the solar minimum and the need to shut down the observatory (either them or Trump).

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