Trump Spoke To Rosenstein, Postponed Meeting Til Next Week

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders just confirmed to reporters that President Trump “spoke with Rod Rosenstein a few minutes ago and they plan to meet next week,” adding that “they do not want to do anything to interfere with the hearing.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein had arrived at the White House on Thursday morning for a previously scheduled national security meeting.

Earlier in the day, Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, told “Fox & Friends”, that “if it needs to get pushed a few hours or to the next day, maybe it will…But they are both committed to speaking with each other and resolving this once and for all.

Dow Jones Newswires reports that Rosenstein (for now) remains Deputy Attorney General overseeing Special Counsel Mueller’s Russia Probe.

No word yet from Axios on whether he verbally or any other way, resigned again.

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