“Bullshit”: CNN Airs Kanye West Swearing During Surreal Meeting With Trump

President Trump and Kanye West got together with Jared Kushner, Ivanka, NFL star Jim Brown and about a dozen reporters on Thursday, where the Trump-loving rap star gave a 10-minute sermon counting the ways Trump is a superstar to him. 

The White House said the meeting was called so that Trump and West could discuss manufacturing, urban revitalization, tamping down violent crime in Chicago and criminal-justice reform. 

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser who has focused on prison reform, attended the meeting as his his [sic] wife, Ivanka, who is also Trump’s daughter. –The Hill

Trump kicked things off, telling the press “Kanye has been a friend of mine for a long time,” as West sat across from Trump donning a red “Make America Great Again” hat at the Resolute Desk. 

Trump said that Trump has “bravery” for tackling criminal justice issues, while Trump returned the compliment, saying Kanye “can speak for me any time he wants. he’s a smart cookie. He gets it.

When asked if Kanye could run for president, Trump said “Could very well be,” to which West added “Only after 2024.” 

“This is our president. He has to be the freshest. The flyest,” the “Black Skinhead” rapper said. 

Kanye talked about how Trump filled him with reassuring male energy, while the Clinton campaign slogan “I’m with her” didn’t make him “feel like a guy who could play catch with his son.” West elaborated: “There was something about putting this hat on that made me feel like superman. You made a superman cape for me, also as a guy who looks up to you, who looks up to American industry guys – non-political, no bullshit.” 

Trump and Kanye got into foreign policy after someone mentioned North Korea: 

Kanye then showed Trump a gif of a hydrogen powered plane, telling Trump that he should be flying around in one. “We’ll get rid of Air Force One” Trump responded in jest (we assume). 

Lastly, it may be time for Kanye to change his password: 

Watch the entire thing here: 

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