The Media’s Love Affair With Beto O’Rourke: New at Reason

Democrat Beto O’Rourke is down 7 points and falling in his race for U.S. Senate against Republican incumbent Ted Cruz. It wouldn’t be completely surprising if Cruz ended up winning Texas by the same margin he did in 2012. Yet you might not discern this reality, observes David Harsanyi, by merely paying attention to Betomania.

O’Rourke has raised $38 million thus far. It’s an immense amount for any politician but an absurd one for a man who relies on fawning media coverage provided to him.

It’s difficult to quantify these things, Harsanyi writes, but it may be true that all the money being poured into a losing O’Rourke campaign in Texas might have been better utilized in closer races in other red states—namely, North Dakota and Tennessee. Yet the Democrats seem more interested in subsidizing celebrity than winning back the Senate.

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