GQ Writer Issues On-Air Apology After Saying Trump Has Radicalized “More People Than ISIS”

GQ writer Julia Ioffe issued an apology Monday after claiming President Trump has “radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.” 

“I think, you know, this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radicalization, and this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did,” said Ioffe on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” 

CNN’s David Urban immediately pushed back, saying “That’s just…it’s unconscionable for you to say that.” 

Ioffe pressed on: “The way he talks–the way that he allows these…the way he winks and nods to these groups. The way he says, ‘I know I’m not supposed to say it, but I’m a nationalist.’ The way that he hems and haws, when he has to condemn these people, and kind of, gritting his teeth, kind of, says, fine, okay, ‘I condemn this.” 

At this point, Urban called out Tapper for not pushing back on Ioffe’s comments, saying “For you not to push back on that, is irresponsible,” adding, “That’s irresponsible. For her to say that the President of the United States has radicalized more people than ISIS is irresponsible.”

After a commercial break, Tapper gave Ioffe the floor to issue an apology, in which she said: “I do want to clarify. I think I spoke in the heat of the moment–this has been a very emotional, and personally painful time for me. I think I exaggerated and I apologize for that” 

Tapper defended his decision not to push back, tweeting “I immediately went to @monacharenEPPC and @DavidJUrban to rebut it and later in the snow @juliaioffe apologized and took it back.”

Ioffe, meanwhile, reiterated her apology over Twitter, writing “I clarified and apologized on air, but I’ll say it again here. This has been a very emotional and painful time, but I absolutely should not have gone with such hyperbole on the air. I apologize.”

She followed up to that tweet, citing a February ADL report, saying “I will add, though, that it is not a coincidence that the number of anti-Semitic attacks has jumped nearly 60% in 2017—the biggest one-year increase in recent history—while this administration has systematically pulled back resources from countering domestic extremism.”

Whether that’s Trump’s fault has yet to be seen. Perhaps his very Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren can weigh in?

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