Trump Picks Mick Mulvaney As Acting Chief Of Staff

Hours after Chris Christie became the latest contender to turn down an offer to lead the White House staff, President Trump has revealed that OMB Director Mick Mulvaney will take the chief of staff job on a temporary basis as the president continues his search for a permanent replacement for John Kelly, who is set to leave his post at the end of the year.

The announcement comes after Kellyanne Conway said Friday afternoon that Trump has five names on his “shortlist” of candidates, and after several top contenders (including Mulvaney and the presumptive Kelly replacement, Nick Ayers) turned down the job. 

Mulvaney is already running the Office of Management and Budget and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. With this latest job title added to his resume, Mulvaney now rivals Jared Kushner for the Trump Administration member with the most responsibilities.


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