What Will Democrats Do With New California Supermajority? New at Reason.

If you needed more evidence that the California Republican Party is for all intents and purposes the equivalent of Monty Python’s dead parrot (it’s no more, it has ceased to be, it’s kicked the bucket, its metabolic processes have stopped, it is pushing up the daisies, it is an ex-party), then take a look at former Orange County Assemblyman and losing GOP gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen’s latest “take back California” effort.

Now a candidate for state Republican Party chairman, Allen is promoting a recall of yet-to-be Gov. Gavin Newsom. This is, as a character in the dead-parrot skit would add, “getting too silly.” Doesn’t Newsom first need to be inaugurated—and presumably do something really bad—before being recalled by the voters that just elected him? Nothing to see in this comedy routine. But if you’re serious about California politics, you needn’t even think about Republicans.

Thanks to an anti-Trump wave that crashed across California in the midterm elections, Democrats will now have legislative supermajorities. That means they can raise taxes and do as they please without any GOP support. Legislators were in Sacramento this month to get sworn in, but will return after the New Year to begin actual lawmaking. They’ve already begun introducing bills, which offer some insight into the priorities of the new Legislature, writes Steven Greenhut.

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