Pompeo Blasts Maduro’s “Illegitimate” Regime, Promises $20 Million For Venezuelan Opposition

Speaking at the United Nations Security Council, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and promised that the US would offer some badly needed humanitarian relief to the opposition and its leader Juan Guaido, in the amount of…$20 million.

The time for debate is over, Pompeo said, as he declared Maduro’s government illegitimate and “morally bankrupt” before calling on the Venezuelan military to side with the opposition. Under no circumstances should the military resort to acts of violence against Venezuelan civilians, he said.

During his speech, Pompeo reiterated many of the same points from a letter published by the State Department last night where it refused to withdraw US diplomats from Venezuela on the belief that Maduro no longer has the moral authority to make such a call.

After a little back-of-the-envelope math, one twitter user calculated that $20 million in aide comes out to roughly 62 cents per Venezuelan.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maduro confirmed that they will continue to cooperate in “various spheres” while Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov demanded that the US stop meddling in Venezuela’s affairs.

Of course, given the relatively paltry sum promised for humanitarian aid, we can’t help but share this scene from Austin Powers.

via ZeroHedge News http://bit.ly/2WgeKgA Tyler Durden

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