The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has few diehard fans. Our federal airport security monopoly is slow, inefficient, and often handsy. You might think you would jump at any chance to cut down on your interfacing with TSA “service.” But is it worth forking over an iris scan?
Customers of a private security service called “Clear” can just breeze through their red-roped entrance—calling it a “line” would be a misnomer, because there usually isn’t any—to an independent identification kiosk. After the normal TSA-managed x-ray of their person and effects, they are through security in a fraction of the time.
This convenience seems very appealing. Who wouldn’t want to minimize the indignity of shuffling through an absurd scene as a bit player in our dumb security theater? Andrea O’Sullivan actually gave it a try. She explains what happened and what anybody thinking of participating should consider before giving up a piece of their body privacy.
from Hit & Run