Trump, Xi In Talks To Meet At Mar-A-Lago Next Month

As President Trump prepares to meet Chinese Vice Premier (and “special envoy”) Liu He at the White House (the meeting is slated to begin at 2:30 ET, according to media reports), the latest optimistic trade headline has just hit the tape as CNBC reports that President Xi and Trump are in talks to hold a summit late next month at Mar-a-Lago, aka “the Winter White House”.


News of the summit, which follows reports earlier this month that the two sides were in the process of planning a sit-down between the two leaders, though Beijing had proposed the summit be held at the Chinese resort island of Hainan following Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

CNBC has also reported that China has committed to buy $1.2 trillion in US goods (though a time frame for these purchases wasn’t given).

The summit will offer the two leaders an opportunity to engage in marathon talks that will likely be needed to clinch a deal. Though the wide gulf between the two sides’ positions suggests that an agreement is far from guaranteed.

But at the very least, Xi can probably score another slice of that “beautiful” chocolate cake.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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