Watch Live: AG Barr Testifies Before Senate As Dems Demand He Resign Over ‘Mueller Letter’

Last night’s deep-state ‘leak’ of a letter penned by Robert Mueller to AG (and longtime friend and colleague) William Barr complaining that Barr’s summary of Mueller’s findings, released several weeks before the redacted report, didn’t capture the full “context, nature and substance” of the report was of course conveniently timed to hand Democrats plenty of ammunition to tear into Barr during Wednesday morning’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

(Of course, as we’ve pointed out, when Barr pressed Mueller about whether Barr’s summary was inaccurate, the special counsel demurred, and affirmed that he didn’t think it was. Mueller’s letter was reportedly dated March 27. Barr released the summary on March 24.)

But the fact Barr insisted during back-to-back Congressional testimony on April 9 & April 10 that he didn’t know where the special counsel stood regarding the AG’s characterization of the report has already prompted some Democratic senators to demand Barr’s resignation, per the Washington Post.

Chris Van Hollen, the Senator who asked Barr about what he knew about Mueller’s feelings about the summary, demanded Barr resign and once again accused him of being a ‘propaganda chief’ for the president.

He labeled his position “the most recent example of the attorney general acting as the chief propagandist for the Trump administration instead of answering questions in a straightforward and objective manner.”

In a prepared statement for the committee, Barr defended his handling of the special counsel’s investigation.

“As Attorney General, I serve as the chief law-enforcement officer of the United States, and it is my responsibility to ensure that the Department carries out its law-enforcement functions appropriately. The Special Counsel’s investigation was no exception.”

Pelosi seized on the reports about the Mueller letter to demand that Barr release the full Mueller report and all the underlying docs that the Demos have subpoenaed.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler demanded that Barr appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday for another hearing, as the Dems have requested.

And Chuck Schumer demanded that Barr bring the full Mueller letter with him to Wednesday’s hearing, and also demanded that Mueller appear before Congress to testify.

The Dems lapdogs in the press have also piled on, with CNN’s Chris Cilizza warning that “William Barr is in deep trouble” in an editorial published Wednesday morning shortly before the hearing was set to begin.

With all the drama, Wednesday’s hearing is bound to be a lively one. Watch live below:

And Read Barr’s prepared remarks below:

AG Barr Written Statement for the Record to Senate Judiciary by Zerohedge on Scribd

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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