Maxine Waters Slams Trump’s “Very Racist” Immigration Plan

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who has tried to position herself as one of President Trump’s most persistent critics in Congress, claimed during a Friday appearance on CNN that Trump’s new immigration plan was “very racist.”

Waters said she agrees that something needs to be done to change our immigration policies…but this ain’t it.

“There should be comprehensive immigration reform…and not reform that should be about inciting those who have negative thoughts about those coming across the border…some of that is very racist…”

Asked for specific examples of what made Trump’s plan racist, Waters said the “merit-based” evaluation of green card applicants on criteria like whether they can already speak English or whether they are capable of earning a decent salary are “not keeping in step with the way we treat human beings.” Waters also objected to Trump’s plans to eliminate chain migration.

“It’s not keeping with what this country is supposed to be all about,” though Waters didn’t elaborate on what exactly she meant by that.

Of course, “Kerosene Maxine” isn’t the first top Democrat to bash Trump’s immigration plan. Nancy Pelosi responded to the plan’s unveiling yesterday during a Rose Garden press conference statement that to describe Trump’s priorities as “merit-based” would be “condescending” to applicants. She also insisted that the plan “wasn’t a serious proposal”, was “dead on arrival” and had “no chance of passing.”

Trump has said he plans to push the plan after the 2020 vote if he’s reelected and the Republicans manage to win back the House.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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