Millennials Blame Unprecedented “Burnout” Rates On Work, Debt & Finances

The issue of Millennial ‘burnout’ has been an especially hot topic in recent years – and not just because the election of President Trump ushered in an epidemic of co-occurring TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that sent millions of American twenty somethings on a never-ending quest for a post-grad ‘safe space’.

For those who aren’t familiar with the subject, the World Health Organization recently described burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” As birth rates plunge and so-called deaths from despair (suicides and overdoses) climb, sending the US left expectancy lower for multiple consecutive years for the first time since the 1960s, many researchers see solving the problem of burnout as critical to fixing many of our societal issues.

To try and dig deeper into the causes and impact of millennial burnout, Yellowbrick, a national psychiatric organization, surveyed 2,000 millennials to identify what exactly is making a staggering 96% of the generation comprising the largest cohort of the American labor force say they feel “burned out” on a daily basis.

The answer is, unsurprisingly, finances and debt: These are the leading causes of burnout (and one reason why Bernie Sanders latest proposal to wipe out all $1.6 trillion in outstanding student debt might be more popular with millennial voters than many other Americans realize).


Because of this ‘burnout’, a plurality of respondents said they experience mental and physical exhaustion tied to burnout on a daily basis.

Work, finances and socializing (that is, dating) were the top three reasons given for millennial burnout.


When it comes to work, pressure to work long hours coupled with low pay and job insecurity were seen as the primary drivers of burnout.


Amazingly, more than half of respondents said they work more than one job to make ends meet (having a second job has become known as having a “side hustle” in millennial parlance). 


When it comes to coping with burnout, the top strategies listed were watching Netflix/Hulu, sleeping and exercise. And for those who take drugs to cope, roughly 70% said that drug is marijuana.


Fortunately for millennials, popular lifestyle ‘news’ websites like Buzzfeed and have plenty of resources to help them improve their lifestyles.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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