Southeast Asia Is Furious With Millennial “Begpackers”

Millennials who have delayed marriage, children, and homeownership, have been spending their money not just on servicing their student loans but also on fun adventures throughout Southeast Asia.

Some of these youngsters have been backpacking in countries like Hong Kong and Thailand without money, forced onto the streets to beg for money to fund the remainder of their trip, reported The Guardian

Locals have called western backpackers: “begpackers,” and government officials in several countries have had enough with these pesky white youngsters asking for money from people who are significantly poorer than they’re.

To counter begpackers panhandling on the street, Hong Kong implemented new busking laws, banning all street performances due to noise complaints.

Thailand has started asking tourist at airports to provide financial information that shows they’ve enough funds to travel.

Bali, an Indonesian island known for its beaches, is so furious with begpackers that if caught by the police, they will be sent to their respective countries’ embassies.

“We tend to report these cases to the relevant embassies so that they can oversee their citizens who are on holiday,” authorities from Bali said.

Begpacking is not limited to countries in Soth East Asia. The trend has recently extended into South Korea, where a video has surfaced online showed a Korean man verbally blasting a begpacker who was begging for money, telling him that he needs to go back to his own country.

Sometimes millennials use tricks to deceive locals into guilt who are more impoverished than them, often use the excuse that they lost their wallet or passport. Some even sell art, photographs, and trinkets on city streets, asking for tips to fund their travels. In those cases, it’s more difficult for authorities to catch someone for begpacking.

Asian countries aren’t the only ones affected, local officials in New Zealand are concerned about the rise of begpacking. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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