Americans Would Blame Trump For A Recession

Americans Would Blame Trump For A Recession

Propaganda works…

According to a recent poll by Harvard-Harris, 57 percent of Americans would blame President Trump if the U.S. slid into a recession in the next year. Additionally, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, only 33 percent said the Federal Reserve Bank, which influences the economy for example by setting the federal funds bank lending rate, would be to blame.

Infographic: Americans Would Blame Trump for a Recession | Statista

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Asked who was at fault considering the recent economic turmoil, 35 percent of respondents still named Trump, while 30 percent blamed the U.S.-China trade tensions and tariffs, which were imposed by the Trump administration also.

More than 60 percent of participants said that they were concerned that a recession was going to hit the United States within six months. An about equal amount said they believed that the U.S.-China tariffs were hurting the U.S. more than they were hurting China.

Tyler Durden

Sat, 09/07/2019 – 23:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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