A Few Ways To Prepare For An EMP

A Few Ways To Prepare For An EMP

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,

Preparing for an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) has not been on the radar for many of us lately.  As we focus on our financial prepping for the next inevitable economic downturn, it is often easy to forget that a few other threats still loom.

Because of that, I’ve put together this fairly simple guide to help you prepare for an EMP. This event or weapon creates a short burst of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt or even destroy electronic devices and systems. It can also potentially destroy the electrical power grid. An EMP can occur naturally, such as the pulse from a massive solar flare, but EMPs are also created by technological devices, typically nuclear weapons.

No Electricity? No Problem!

The first step is to make sure you can use your food without electricity. You’ll want a handheld can opener, a manual spice/coffee grindera solar oven, and a way to get water when the power is out. Getting water without electricity could take some creativity if you are on city water. If you have your own well, it’s a lot easier, however.


If the grid goes down completely and you can’t use your debit or credit card, make sure you’ve got some items to barter with on hand.  Precious metals are the obvious things that come to mind first, but you can also likely trade distilled liquor, ammunition that doesn’t fit your firearms, or personal hygiene items.  You might be surprised what a personal will trade you for toilet paper in a pinch!


You’ll want to be able to see, you stock up on candles and flashlights and some extra batteries. while candles can be considered “EMP-proof”, they are dim, messy, and vulnerable to the wind. You could invest in a few oil lamps though. One suggestion is the lightweight Dietz Original lamp. This lamp works indoors and outdoors, through wind and rain. And at less than $22, it’ll burn for 11 hours. Don’t forget to grab some lamp oil too if this is the way you’d like to light up your space.


Others may not be as prepared for an EMP (or any grid failure for that matter) so you should understand that it’s possible that you’ll have to defend yourself and your supplies. The obvious answer is to get a gun you’re comfortable using, but for those who are not certain they’d like to use a firearm, there are other options.  The important thing to remember is that humans can become violent very quickly when they get hungry or feel like their survival is in question.

Those are a few simple ways to prepare for an EMP.  In the event that vehicles no longer work and people cannot get food from the grocery store with their credit cards, civilization could quickly erode.  Prepare by understanding what this country would look like when people are unable to use the electricity they have become dependent on and you’ll get an idea of what else you’ll need to survive and thrive if the unthinkable ever happens.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 09/10/2019 – 20:25

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2LMbBRn Tyler Durden

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