Trump Slams ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ Bolton For Making ‘Very Big Mistakes’ 

Trump Slams ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ Bolton For Making ‘Very Big Mistakes’ 

President Trump slammed just-fired National Security Adviser John Bolton in Wednesday comments from the White House, saying he let the mustached war-hawk go after making “some very big mistakes,” and that Bolton didn’t get along with others in the administration, according to The Hill

“So, John is somebody that I actually got along with very well. He made some very big mistakes,” said Trump in response to an Oval Office question following a meeting earlier to discuss the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping. 

Trump slammed Bolton’s “Libyan model” remark in regards to North Korea as “not a good statement to make,” after the adviser suggested that Kim Jong Un could meet the fate of former Libyan leader Mommar Gadhafi. 

“And it set us back, and frankly he wanted to do things — not necessarily tougher than me — You know John’s known as a tough guy. He’s so tough he got us into Iraq … but he’s actually somebody I had a very good relationship with. But he wasn’t getting along with people in the administration that I consider very important,” said Trump – who blamed Kim Jong Un not wanting to work with Bolton after the Libya remark.

“As soon as he mentioned that, the Libyan model, what a disaster. Take a look at what happened to Gadhafi,” said Trump. “I don’t blame Kim Jong Un for what he said after that. And he wanted nothing to do with John Bolton. And that’s not a question of being tough. That’s a question of being not smart to say something like that.” 

Trump suggested that the two may not have parted ways on good terms, telling reporters “I hope we left on good stead, but maybe we haven’t.” 

Trump tweeted Tuesday that he had fired Bolton by telling him Monday evening “that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” pointing to disagreements with the national security adviser and others in the administration.

But Bolton immediately disputed his account, tweeting that he offered to resign on Monday and that Trump had asked to talk about it the following day.

Bolton resigned effective immediately on Tuesday, according to a copy of his brief resignation letter.

Trump said Wednesday he thought Bolton would try to “spin it his way,” claiming that he asked for Bolton’s resignation at a meeting in the Oval Office on Monday. –The Hill

Trump said on Wednesday that he would announce Bolton’s replacement next week, and that there are five candidates under consideration. 

“We have a lot of good people who want that position,” said Trump, adding “Well, I have five people who want it very much. There are five people I consider very qualified, good people I have gotten to know over the past three years.” 

Tyler Durden

Wed, 09/11/2019 – 15:25


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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