Nadler: Trump Will ‘Rig’ 2020 Election If He Isn’t Impeached And Removed

Nadler: Trump Will ‘Rig’ 2020 Election If He Isn’t Impeached And Removed

President Trump will try to “rig” the 2020 election if he isn’t impeached and removed from office, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY).

In an interview with “Meet the Press,” Nadler said that the Senate will have to decide “In the face of an abundance of uncontested evidence that the president poses a threat to our election, that he put his own interests above the interests of the country, are they going to be patriots or are they going to be partisans?”

Host Chuck Todd then asked: “If he’s acquitted, do you think we’ll have a fair election in 2020?”

To which Nadler replied: “I don’t know. The president based on his past performance will do everything he can to make it not a fair election.’

In a separate interview with CNN‘s “State of the Union,” Nadler said Trump may try to “rig” the 2020 election, adding “We have got to act with dispatch.”

The New York Democrat added “We have a very rock-solid case,” which he said “if presented to a jury, would be a guilty verdict in about three minutes flat.”

Nadler dismissed Republican counterpoints that the evidence against Trump is hearsay, saying there is “considerable direct evidence.”

“And it ill behooves a president or his partisans to say you don’t have enough direct evidence when the reason we don’t have even more direct evidence is the president has ordered everybody in the executive branch not to cooperate with Congress in the impeachment inquiry, something that is unprecedented in American history and is a contempt of Congress by itself,” he added, according to The Hill.

“The only testimony we have are from public spirited, patriotic people in the CIA, the Pentagon, the White House itself who came forward and defied the president’s orders and testified.”

Nadler also said he would reject witnesses requested by the GOP, calling them “not relevant” to the allegations.

For example, he said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), whom the Republicans have requested as a witness, did not witness any of the actions and therefore is not relevant to call as a witness.

The Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing Monday to receive presentations of evidence from investigators as it moves forward with the impeachment of Trump.

Nadler said it is “possible” that the House will hold a vote on the articles of impeachment this week. –The Hill

Nadler’s committee will hold a hearing on Monday.

Tyler Durden

Sun, 12/08/2019 – 12:40


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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