Angry 17-Year-Old Girl Threatens World Leaders In Davos: “You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet”

Angry 17-Year-Old Girl Threatens World Leaders In Davos: “You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet”

Never one to miss an opportunity to grab some attention and tell grown-ups how mean they are, Great Thunberg – the 17-year-old figurehead of environmentalism – addressed a large crowd (organizers claimed 15,000) in Switzerland, warning world leaders ahead of next week’s Davos meetings that “you haven’t seen anything yet.”

The so-called eco-warrior repeated her oft-heard comments that:

” So far during this decade we are seeing no sign whatsoever that real climate action is coming.

That has to change. This is just the beginning. You haven’t seen anything yet. We assure you of that.

Her fearmongering appears to be working as the young people in the crowd held up terrified-sounding signs including:

“Fear for our glaciers”

“HELP the Koalas”

“One, two, three degrees! It’s a crime against humanity!”

“Let’s Change The System, Not the Climate”

“There Is No Planet B”

“I Have a Green Dream”

“We Want A Cooler Planet”

Thunberg is due to address the summit in the Swiss Alpine resort of Davos next week with a call on governments and financial institutions to stop investing in fossil fuels.

She will reportedly  tell her corporate audience that it is ‘madness’ to continue investing in fossil fuels as disasters such as the wave of wildfires in Australia focus new attention on the baleful effects of rising temperatures

Does anyone else look at the image below and think of Monty Python’s Life Of Brian: “she’s not the messiah, she’s a very naughty girl”?

Tyler Durden

Fri, 01/17/2020 – 10:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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