Amid “Quality Control” Issues, Iowa Results Inexplicably Delayed Due To Caucus App Crash

Amid “Quality Control” Issues, Iowa Results Inexplicably Delayed Due To Caucus App Crash

Before we start detailing the results of this evening’s Iowa caucuses, we have to get something off our chests…

Ok, with that said, heading into the caucus, Bernie was soaring in the bookies odds with Biden, Betty, and Buttigieg crashing…

And while Tom Steyer spent more money on ads in Iowa than any other candidate, isn’t even registering a blip…

As a reminder, a candidate wins the nomination if they can secure a majority of delegates – 2,376 or more. That includes a combined total of pledged delegates – those awarded based on election results – and unpledged superdelegates – party leaders who can vote for the candidate of their choosing.

As Bloomberg notes, Superdelegates, also known as “unpledged” or “automatic” delegates, are Democratic delegates who get a ticket to the convention based on their role in the party – 445 national committee members, 280 members of Congress, 24 governors and 22 other party leaders like former presidents and national chairmen. Their role has been controversial because they can vote their own conscience and could conceivably overturn the will of rank-and-file delegates in a contested convention. New rules this year ensure that won’t be the case – but only on the first ballot.

Here’s how it works:

  • If one candidate has enough delegates to win the convention outright—at least 2,376 delegates—superdelegates can vote because they won’t make a difference.

  • If one candidate has a majority of pledged delegates—at least 1,991—only those pledged delegates can vote on the first ballot and that candidate becomes the nominee.

  • If no candidate has a majority of pledged delegates on the first ballot—less than 1,991—the convention moves to a second ballot in which superdelegates can vote.

Got that? Clear as mud right?

The Iowa rules are even more complex, but simply put, Iowa has 41 ‘pledged’ delegates and 8 ‘super-delegates’.

*  *  *

The results are notably delayed

Iowa’s State Democratic Party, seemingly terrified of blowback if something untoward occurs (note that they canceled the Des Moines poll due to irregularities), initially said it is doing “quality control” on results “out of an abundance of caution.”

Then they slowly started to admit there were real issues with abrand new app that had been created especially to ease transmission and transparency of the results.

One precinct chair in Polk County told Bloomberg News he still has not been able to report his results because the phone app was not working and he has been on hold with an alternative hotline for more than 30 minutes.

“We are experiencing some issues in terms of people being able to load and connect with the app for their precinct reporting,” said Bret Nilles, chairman of the Linn County Democratic Party.

ABC’s Rick Klein noted:

What we can say confidently is there are massive technical issues that are delaying the vote count right now in Iowa and it is 100% better for this to be right rather than to be fast.

State party Communications Director Mandy McClure said in a statement.

“The integrity of the results is paramount. We have experienced a delay in the results due to quality checks and the fact that the IDP is reporting out three data sets for the first time. What we know right now is that around 25% of precincts have reported, and early data indicates turnout is on pace for 2016.”

“A lot of us are going to be doing it on paper and calling it in,” said Kelcey Brackett, the chairman of the Muscatine County Democratic Party.

CNN just interviewed Shawn Sebastian, secretary from the Story Country Precinct 1-1, who said:

“I am the caucus secretary for Story County Precinct 1-1. I’ve been on hold for over an hour to report the results. We have 6 delegates”

The results.. at time of writing…nothing!


One guest on Fox News has already raise the question “…it makes one wonder if the app was hacked… and by whom?”.

Was there some meddling? Did Rachel Maddow blame the Russians yet?

The state party has said it has no cybersecurity concerns over the app’s use.

As one wit noted”

“…and these are the people who want to run our healthcare system?”

*  *  *

Congrats to Cory Booker, who is no longer running for president, but appears to have actually won a state delegate equivalent, thanks to strategic voting from non-viable candidates.

Oh and at least one vote was decide by coin toss…

Finally, in an attempt at foreseeing the spin-fest that is bound to erupt after these results, we note that a lot has been said about Iowa and New Hampshire’s lack of racial diversity. Make no mistake, their status will be questioned, especially if the IA/NH Democratic winner(s) don’t win the nomination or the White House.

Oh, and one more thing, Trump won 97% of the vote in Republican caucuses.

8 days until New Hampshire…

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 23:23


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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